The user is inquiring about the possibility of updating the fixed "Cache Duration" value of 21 days for an earthly satellite, expressing concern that it may be wasteful and could lead to a full cache requiring purging. They mention that their main usage for builds is within CI, where a fresh rebuild is typically needed every few days, making the 21-day duration seem excessive.
It seems somewhat wasteful for certain things in the cache - I imagine at some point it'll become full and we'd need to purge, right? Our main usage for builds is within CI, wherein we're likely to need a fresh rebuild once every few days, so 21 seems overkill.
It's fixed per your plan currently but perhaps could be adjusted by request. May I ask why you would want to update it?
Hi folks! Is it possible to update the earthly satellite value for "Cache Duration:"? Currently it seems set at 21d, and I don't see any way to configure or update this.